Sunday, 23 July 2017


Introduction about Organization

“HEALTH CLUB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is developed for member ,manager ,trainer ,measurement sheet information details. The main aim of this project is to minimizing the written work and to keep information details.
          The main drawback of this system is difficult to maintaining record and it makes many mistakes. The manual system is time consuming. For this reason we have to implement computerized system.
This is desktop application project.

 Problem Definition
All the works of existing system is done by paper works , so many chances of mistakes that are arises.
If you want to search any record then it require more time.
If records contain file is lost then all records are may be loss.
To generate the report of any one process required lot of time.
When number of customer arrives at same time to fill the form, it requires more time to store customer’s registration.

 Need For Computerization
     Our system avoid paper work. It saves time for searching particular record. It contains all information about the customer trainer and manager. It easy to update, add, remove, view all or particular record so it saves more time .

 Scope Of Proposed  System
1.    The proposed system computerized version of existing system which makes it easier to work.
2.    System also generates various reports such as block arrangement reports.
3.    As the system is computerized then there is no error   occurs and work can done with maximum speed.
4.    If you want to change the particular record then it is easy to update as compare to existing system.
5.    If you want to retrieve all information about a particular member or trainer.
     6 .  Finding records is easier.

 Objectives of the Proposed System

1.    The system maintains the record of member, trainer, measurement-sheet.
2.    It is easy to operate.
3.    Attractive user interface.
4.    To provide the system user friendly.
5.    To avoid redundancy as far as possible.
6.    To generate bill . 
7.     To provide facilities like adding, deleting, modifying ,searching the particular records.

   Fact Finding Technique

         Fact finding technique is a part of system analysis. Through this technique we collect information related to the system.
            We were used the fallowing technique’s….
a)  Record Review:
         We was used this system at the initial stage. Many kinds of past record and report where help to provide with valuable information that has been recorded about the system.
b) Interviews:
     This technique has most important part in our system Analysis.
In this technique we were asked question’s both structured and unstructured.
This question’s are like:
1.    What is the first step of admission?
2.    Which details of customer you maintain in Measurement sheet?
3.    How you can update the records?
4.    What is the procedure to update records?

Hardware & Software Requirement

  Hardware Requirements:

                          RAM           :  512MB(Min).
                         Hard Disk    :  40GB(Min).
                         Processor     :  Pentium IV(Min).
                         Printer          :   Any.

    Software Requirements:

          Operating System    :  Windows XP or Windows7
          Software                    : jdk1.6.0
           Front End                  : JAVA (jdk1.6.0)
           Back End                   : Microsoft Access 2007
 Feasibility Study
Feasibility study lets the developer for see the future of the project and the usefulness. A feasibility study of a system proposal is according to its workability, which is the impact on the organization, ability to meet their user needs and effective use of resources.
Technical Feasibility:
            The language used to develop application is platform independent so application is Technical Feasible.

Operational Feasibility
                   Operational Feasibility concerns itself with the integration of the product’ in the organization for which is intended.

Economical Feasibility:
         The developing system must be justified by cost and benefit.
           Project work, there is no manual cost to spend for the proposed system. Application does not require any kind of training .It is easy to understand without training .So , application is economical Feasible.

download link : click here

1 comment:

Shrivas said...

Sir could you please provide the jdbc connections

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