Sunday, 23 July 2017

Computer shop management System

Computer shop management System

Synopsis of the Project
This project is meant for computer shop, in which  sales person can have an information about items, their prices. He can also add/delete items from database. On other hand customer can have an information about available product along with their prices.
                The existing system being manual have many shortcomings and
the majority of problems arises due to manual work. It is very difficult
to store and retrieve the record of the available products. Only the available stock or
products are shown to the customer which reduces the headache of  documentary in which clerk manages available products list.
            Keeping of large and bulky value of different documents becomes major problem for maintaining them, as it requires more space and maintenance. Due to manual work generation of reports are to be delayed. Updation in the store data is difficult.
            And mainly any mistake may happen by manual data entry, which may have an sever effect on entire database. 

List of Features of the Project :-

1. Sale persons Account is restricted(using database & validation) .
2. customer can have entire info about available products.
3.  customer can select an appropriate product which he wants.
4.salesperson can have an entire info about available products quantity.
5.selesperson can add/delete an information from database.
6.Userfriendly &easy to access design of Software.

Objective of the project:-

The objective of the project is to fulfill needs of computer shop, in which  sales person can have an information about items, their prices. He can also add/delete items from database. On other hand customer can have an information about available product along with their prices.

Plan for the execution of the project

1. Brain storming and commencing the project by creating the database and dataflow diagrams and documentations. The others shall start by establishing the connections to the database.
2. Coding & Testing on all modules.
3. Integrating the various modules and solving the errors that might come across.

4. Keying in the questions and final testing and Report preparation

download link :   click here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only login page display other not display

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